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Bibliographic Resources

Below is an extensive - though by no means comprehensive - list of bibliographic resources relevant to the content of JEMMAW. 

Abreu, Laurinda. “Health Care and Poor Relief in Portugal: An Historical Perspective.” In Health Care and Government Policy, edited by Laurinda Abreu. Evora: Publicações do Cidehus, 2019.

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Adler, Elkan Nathan. “The Inquisition in Peru.” Edited by Martin A. Cohen. Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, no. 12 (1904): 5–37.

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Ángel Marcos de Díos, Gabriel A. Coehlo Magahães, and Pedro Serra. “La Universidad de Salamanca y La Medicina Portuguesa: Médicos, Judíos, y Cristianos Nuevos.” In Las Universidades Hispánicas de La Monarquía de Los Asturias al Centralismo Liberal, 2:337–352. Salamanca, 2000.

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Assis, Yom Tov. “Jewish Physicians and Medicine in Medieval Spain.” In Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach, edited by Samuel S. Kottek and Luís García-Ballester, 33–49. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 1996.

Ayazo, Helí Hernández. “Juan Méndez Nieto: El Primer Educador Médico de Colombia.” Revista Historica de Educación Latonoamericana 17 (2011): 93–117.

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Backal, Alicia Gojman de. “Crypto Judaism in Mexico: Past and Present.” In Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism: Latin America and the Jewish World, edited by Judit Bokser Liwerant, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yossi Gorny, and Raanan Rein, 223–230. Leiden: Brill, 2008.

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